Humans of RASG, similar to Humans of New York, is a verbal snapshot of the people who make up our high school. Each human is asked to speak about themselves at length, and their monologue is recorded and transcribed verbatim. In order to keep it real, nothing is left out.
Talya Baruch (10th Grade)
"Hi my name is Talya. I’m in tenth grade and this year I’m new to Hebrew Academy. Last year, I went to Bais Yaakov in North Miami Beach, and I decided that I should come to this school because it was a better fit for me. Before last year I lived in New York for two years, and before that I lived in Israel. I don’t know if I fit there now, but I miss it so much- everything, like the chocolates. I live in Hollywood with my brother and sister. My brother goes to college and my sister goes to school here in Hollywood. I have two brothers in Israel. One is in the army, he's a soldier, and the other one just finished school and I think he’s gonna move here. The past three weeks have been really good in Hebrew Academy, and I feel like everyone is really nice; I really love the school and I can't wait to see everyone in person. I love singing and playing the piano. I love ice skating; I go every Sunday for lessons. I love working out, I know that not many people like that, but I like working out, kinda, not really; it's really hard. I’m a really hard worker. I have a dog, her name is Sandy. We adopted her and she is the most amazing dog in the world. She’s a pitbull so people think she’s scary, and she looks kinda scary, but she's the cutest thing in the world! I love pets, I’ve had seven dogs in my life and the two years I didn’t have a dog it was probably the worst years of my life; I don’t know if it was connected to me having a dog or not, but I just love them. I don’t know how people don’t have dogs. Wow I feel like a celebrity!"
Compiled By: Naomi Ohana (11th Grade)