This week Hebrew Academy observed Red Ribbon Week, also known as drug and alcohol prevention/awareness week. Through two different activities, the school raised awareness and educated students about drug and alcohol prevention.
Students showed their commitment to preventing drug and alcohol abuse by wearing two different items of clothing. The girls donned red headbands and the boys wore red kippot for the entire week.
On Thursday students gathered at the Red Ribbon week assembly to learn about the reality of substance abuse. The assembly began with Dr. London sharing some sobering facts about drug and alcohol abuse. According to statistics, 4,300 deaths a year are caused by underage drunk driving, and drug overdose is the most common cause of death among teens. Many students said they were startled to hear these facts.
Mr. Berman spoke about his personal experience with a drug-addicted friend, sharing his perspective on the danger of drugs and how addiction does not discriminate.
“The assembly was very powerful,” said Yisroel Goldstein (10th grade). “It showed all of us that these issues aren’t so foreign and are completely relevant to us.”
Many students said the assembly caused them to really think about their actions and the consequences of those actions. “The assembly showed the realities of substance abuse,” said Michal Cohen (11th Grade). “The message expressed by Mr. Berman really came through.”
By: Hannah Mayer (10th grade)